Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Billa 2 Movie Review By CB

initially things first-In the occasion that you desired Billa-2 to be an in vogue picture, you might as well not be confused. Scenario is, divided from a couple stale tricks acquired from a heap of Hollywood pictures—nothing verifiably happens in this picture to any discernible degree. It is an incorrect summation on the part of both the picture's writer and head Chakri Toleti who ought to take the censure for it.
Bunched snazzily with an appealling victor like Ajith, reflexive-finish camerawork by RD Rajasekhar, stunning regions and lavish gatherings, every edge of the picture probably need lakhs to amass, yet it still feels like an unfilled piece close to the finale in light of the fact that the story doesn’t keep.
The picture has no soul, not even a wafer pitiful story or any shrewd clustering noticing business parts joined with a gigantic model picture. In short, official Chakri Toleti has made a picture without getting a handle on the major structure of business mass pictures and it needs neighborhood flavour.
The story is a prequel on how David Billa came to be the most stunning underworld wear of all times. David Billa (Ajith) an evacuee (?) comes to Rameswaram in Tamil Nadu and his journey begins into wrongdoing. As a matter of first importance he starts as a close-by valuable stone runner who graduates into pills and later worldwide arms sneaking. On the far up the wrongdoing syndicate, he meets an incredible bargain of deceiving rivals whom he forgoes one by one and winds up being the feared wear. In any case the medication's so sil

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