Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Leelai Tamil Movie Review By CB

New comers and north Indian actors Shiv Pandit and Manasi Parekh in the lead have an on-screen science that works to an amazing degree. The story is wafer slight yet it is the packing and one liners which creates the picture to an incredible degree.
Karthik (Shiv Pandit) is an amicable tease by nature all through his school days. The adroit chap ‘phatoes' two adolescent women who exist in the same cabin room as their finish friend Malar (Manasi Parekh) alerts them of pitfalls of start to gaze all starry eyed toward a continual tease. Malar has a couple run-ins with Karthik over the phone and soon they progress an obsessive hatred towards each one in turn.
Several months later they are out of school and creep to inching toward getting used in a modifying
acquaintanceship. Karthik's relative and close copartner Suja unites his affiliation and is deputed to the HR division where Malar works. Karthik soon recognizes that it is the same Malar his tormentor in his school days and both make it a center not to cross each one in turn way.
In any case, one day without Malar's studying Karthik sees her and falls for her and decides on to take off full scale to woo her. How he goes about it fusing a couple intermingled element explanations heartbreaks, provoking the top.
The head has worked out the nostalgic situations and pivoted it around to make it beguiling. Yet there it is sheltered to state that some are statements in the plot for example why Malar working in the HR office did not affirm that Karthik is working in the same aggregation? She n'tn't differentiate between the voice of Karthik and Sundar? The crest is a touch foreseeable.
These are some cinematic flexibilities taken by the head. At any rate the starting to turn all starry eyed toward between the lead pair has been worked out well, specifically the scene in the music shop where both listen to Ghulam Ali splendid oldies.
One of the major highlights of the picture is Santhanam as a “demanding time customizing pro” and his spoof track, which genuinely makes you giggle. Santhanam is at the close of the day model's friendly and the way he illuminates the likeness between a “convenient machine and a figure” is sincerely diverting. The lead pair Shiv and Manasi have made a customary indicating and their Tamil lip sync is impeccable.
Music of Satish Chakravarthy is vivacious and each one of the tunes have been usually picturised. On the whole, Leelai is a multiplex love story with troubles of fun.

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